
英语教案:go to the zoo



孩子的成长是不可逆的,所以好的家园教育非常重要!家长与教师之间需要经常进行沟通与交流,新的起点,新的方向,让孩子在玩中学,在学中玩,不断成长!那么,有哪些可以用在孩子身上的教育资源呢?相信你应该喜欢小编整理的英语教案:go to the zoo,希望对你有所帮助,动动手指请收藏一下!

Teaching Plan of At The zoo

Ⅰ.Teaching objectives

1.Language functions: Talking about animals and their favorite food.

2. Language structures: I like…

3. New vocabulary: Monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat

4. Skills: Listening: 能听懂各种动物的名称及其习性的内容。

Speaking: 能运用所学的单词句型谈论各种动物的习性

5. Teaching activities:

(1). Role play: Elephant 生日请客,分食物给他的朋友们并说“I like…”

T-elephant Ss-monkey, rabbit, panda, goat

(2). A game: Looking for good friends

让学生自取道具找朋友,如当T说1,2,3后拿carrot的要与拿rabbit的站到一块并说We are good friends.

Ⅱ.Teaching key points and difficult points

1.The sounds of the new words.

2.Freely using the sentences.

Ⅲ.Teaching aids

课件,a big picture (animals party), 10 small pictures (monkey,elephant, rabbit, panda, goat, bananas, grass, carrots,bamboo, leaves)

Ⅳ.Teaching procedure

1. Greeting

2. Sing a song: one two three song

3. say goodbye to the 1, 2, 3 and go to the zoo

T: We are going to the zoo today. Therere many animals at the zoo.

T introduces animals by action and sound, show animals pictures and put them on the big picture, and teach their names. ( 使用课件Part 1 )

4. Review food names and teach “ I like…” (使用课件Part 2 )

(1). T act as the elephant, tell Ss “today is my birthday, I have food and Ill give them to my friends “( T shows food pictures and Ss review)

(2).role play:

T act as the elephant first and teach “ I like…”, and then find my friends( Ss) to play and practice the sentences.

5. CA: T shows pictures, Ss practice the sentences

6. PA: Ss use their food to practice the sentences

7. A game: Looking for good friends

( moral education: We are friends, we should take good care of each other.)

(1). 先找S1配合示范: T在B上找到monkey的图片, S1找到bananas的图片, T and Ss say “ were

good friends”, ask Ss to play.

(2). 对对碰:Let 10Ss hold 10 pictures, when T say 1, 2, 3 , Ss should

find their friends at once.

8. Sing a song: two little black birds ( 使用课件Part 3 )

9. Sum up (使用课件Part 1 and 2 )


英语学习:Go to the sea world


迪士尼动话画片《海底总动员》是孩子近来最喜爱的动画片之一。在课间活动中,我们经常发现孩子们滋滋有味地谈论起《海底总动员》里面的情景和人物。于是,我们马上从孩子的兴趣出发,生成了以“海洋世界”为主题的探餮芯炕疃?。英语活动??/SPAN>Go to the sea world是其中的一个分支活动。我们通过创设“海洋世界”的场景,带领孩子去寻找海底的生物,接着带上头饰变成自己喜爱的海洋动物,以角色的身份投入在活动中,让孩子在环境、游戏的互动中复习或习得Ilove …I“m …This is …That”s …This is my good friend It“s …He\she”s …等等句型,并尝试运用英语进行交往,体验运用英语交往带来的快乐。最后,我们利用“看图读和做”的游戏,让孩子进行听、认、说、演等综合练习,使英语活动推向另一个高潮!



二、 体验与朋友交往的乐趣,培养幼儿乐于运用英语进行表达。


一、 布置海底世界的场景。

二、 课件“海洋世界”。






一、律动:“Go to the sea world”

T: Today, Let“s go to the sea world .



T: Look!Here we are,The bottom of sea.

T&C: The bottom of sea.

T: Hey!Who is coming?(老师演示课件)

T&C: It”s a turtlecrab clown fishsea starsea horse.

T: It has eight hands, Soft body! Who is it?


T&C: It“s an octopus!

T: It”s clown fish“s good friend. Clown fish always hide in it,

who is it? (鼓励幼儿大胆猜想后演示课件)

T&C: It”s a sea anemone.

T: It has two big wings and a long tail. It can swim fast. Who is

it? (鼓励幼儿大胆猜想后演示课件)

T&C: It“s a ray.

三、 游戏”Play hide-and-seek“

T: Look! What”s the animal under the magnifying glass.


T&C: It“s an octopus a sea anemone a ray.

T: The sea animals are hiding! Let”s find them and tell me :“Who is it?”


T: Now, Let“s put on the headbands. Very good! We become lovely sea animals.


T: Who are you?

T&C: I”m a…….

四、 音乐游戏:Skip to my Lou

1、Ok! Do you have any good friends? Look! The sea star has a good friend. Who is it?

(利用课件演示海星与章鱼互相介绍的语言:This is my good friend , He\she is….)



T: Let“s sing and make friends:

Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip, skip, Skip to my Lou, Skip to my darling.

T: “Let”s shake hands“when the music is over,Introduce your friend:This is my good friend , He\she is….



T: What do you want to do with your friends?

T&C: Share the foodsingdancego shoppinggo to the partyplay together……(鼓励幼儿发散思维)

五、看图读和演:Act out the book

T: Take a look !I have a big book!Let”s do as the animals do and please tell others what you are doing.

(老师出示图文并茂的大图书,让幼儿在音乐中看图、读和演。内容有:We are swimming. We are eating. We are turning round.We are blowing bubbles.We are sleeping.We are dancing.We are singing.)

英语教案:Happy , go , go , go !


1 .在有趣的体育游戏中学习单词“run”“jump” 。

2 .学习句型“I can…”,并尝试运用句型“I can…”

(see ,listen , draw…)


1 . 单词卡片 、句型字条

2 . 小椅子5把、小河3条

3 . 手偶小兔子、小狗

4 . 活动区材料:




一 、活动开始。

1 . 问候。Hi ,boys and grils !

2 . 儿歌。

One , two , three , go , go , go .

Four , five , six , fly , fly , fly .

二 、学习单词“run”“jump”。

1 . 在体育游戏中学习“run”。

Run round the chairs , please .

2 . 在体育游戏中学习“jump”。

Jump over the rivers , please .

三 、学习句型“I can …”。

1 . I can run. I can jump.

2 .“I can …”句型应用,“I can see .”等。

四 、活动区活动。

第一组:《涂色游戏》Colour the words .

run jump I can run . I can jump .

第二组:《填空游戏》Fill in the blanks .

例:小狗 I can run .

兔子 I can jump .

英语教案:go shopping



A: Hello! Can I help you?

B: Yes, I want a sweater for my daughter, please.

A: How about this one?

B: Oh, good. The size is OK.

C: Mum, I dont like the colour.

A: Do you like this purple one?

C: Cool! Thats my favourite colour.

B: How much is it?

A: Sixty-eight yuan.

B: Heres the money.

A: Thanks.

size 尺寸;大小

purple 紫色的

cool 棒的


1. 能听懂、会说本篇对话;

2. 能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话;

3. 能听懂、会说新单词:purple, size, cool。








Step 1. Greetings

T: Good morning, boys and girls. glad to meet you.

Step 2. Presentation

(1) Lead-in

T: You know, Im new here. I thought it would be hot in Zhuha.But today it is cold. Im just in a blouse.

Now Im feeling a little cold. So I want to go shopping and buy some warm clothes. (Read the title “shiopping”.)

(2) Play a guessing game (课件:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片慢慢扩大,变成一件毛衣)

T: What am I going to buy? What do I want? Just guess and say:

“YOu want ...”


T=the teacher C=the computer Ss=the students

C: Can I help you?

(Learn to say:“Can I helpyou?”)

T: I want a sweater, sir.

C: How about this one? (课件:售货员拿出一件很大的毛衣。)

T: I think its too big.

C: How about this one? (课件:售货员拿出一件很小的毛衣。)

T:How about this one? What do you think?

Ss:Its too small.

C: How about this one? (课件:售货员拿出一件对教师来说大小合适的毛衣。)

(Learn to say:“How about...?”)

T: I think the size is OK. Do you think so?


(Learn to say:“size”.)

(Read after the teacher:“The size is OK.”)

T: The size is OK, sir. but I dont like this colour.

C: Whats your favourite colour?

T: Whats my favourite colour is


(Learn to say:“purple”.)

T: (take out a purple sweater)I like this purple sweater.

(4) Play a game: Guess the price of the sweater.

Ss: How much is it?

S1 : ...yuan.

(If the price S1 guess is too low, the teacher will say:“Up,up, up.”; if too high, the teacher will say: Down, down,down.“ Each students has three chances to guess.)

After the students guess the price right, the teacher puts on the purple sweater and asks the students “Am I cool?”

(Leatn to say:“Cool”.)

Step 3. Practice

(1)Listen to the dialogue.

T: What have you heard in the dialogue?

(2)Listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence.

(3)Pratice in groups of three.

Step 4 Consolidation

(1)Divide all the students into 5 groups: stationers, toy shop, clothes shop, fruit shop and food shop. Put some goods in each shop. Get the students to do the shopping in groups.


(2)Ask the students to go to different shops and buy different

things. (把全班分成五个组,即五个“商店”,顾客可以到任



Step 5 Ending

The students sing a song “Good-bye.”

英语教案:The animals


1、 幼儿尝试根据动物的不同特征进行分类。

2、 激发幼儿积极参与英语活动的欲望,能用所学的句型表达自己的意愿。






T: Hello, boys and girls. Let’s do some actions, ok?

Walking,walking,walking,(climbing\flying\swimming---) hop, hop,hop, running, running, running, running, running, running, now let’s stop, now let’s stop!


T: Boys and girls, do you like animals?(yes)

T: Which animal do you like best? Please tell us loudly.

C: I like rabbit. Rabbit jumps on the grass.

I like tiger. Tiger runs in the forest. ----------------


1.T: You all like animals. Ok, here I have some pictures for you.

The first, please have a look, which animals do you have?

Then, you should think it over, what can they do? Where do they live?------

At last, you can divide them.

(children divide the animals by themselves)


2.T: Ok, have you finished? Let’s have a look, how did you divide?(讲评、纠错)

T: You divide them by their appearance(functions\habitual behavior)

T: Oh, is he right? Who can help him?

3. divide the animals once again.

T: Next, please divide the animals again. Please find another

different way to do it.





1、 幼儿选择喜欢的头饰,听音乐,做相应动作。当音乐停时,幼儿立即躲藏好。

2、 当老师问:Animals, animals, where are you?(2遍)

幼儿从躲藏的地方出现,说:“I’m on the grass. I’m in the river. I’m ------”


英语教案 :Zoo Farm

活动内容:1. Zoo Farm

2. After you!






1. T: Morning kids.

C: Morning

2. T: Today it’s a sunny day?

Let’s play together ok?

C: Ok!


T: Oh, what’s it?

C: panda fox dog……

T: 为什么它们都到这里来了,我们应该把它们送到哪里呢?

C: 动物园。

T: Yes zoo.

C: Zoo.

老师带领幼儿一起Go to the zoo.

T: Ok, This is zoo. Go to the zoo.

C: Go to the zoo.


T: What this?

C: pig dog sheep……

T: 咱们把它们送到那里去呢?

C: Farm!

T: Yes, farm.

C: Farm.

老师带领幼儿Go to the farm.

T: Ok, This is farm. Go to the farm.

C: Go to the farm.

四.游戏: Bus!

T: 我们一起Go to the home!

C: Ok!

A: After you!

B: Thank you.

C: After you!

D: Thank you.

E: ……



Go to….. Go to the…. After you!


英语教案: where to?


1.单词 hospital. Post office.

2.句型where to? go to……





活动准备:1.挂图[park zoo hospital post office]

2.卡片[park zoo hospital post office]


重难点:1.post office的发音。



1. 操练单词:出示挂图

T: what s this?

C: park.

T: what s this?

C: zoo.

[新单词] 出示挂图



T: hospital C: hospital

T: go to hospital. C: go to hospital.



T: post office C: post office

T: go to post office. C: go to post office.


1. 悄悄话.



2. 情景表演

两位老师情景对话“ where to? ”

“ go to …… ”

T: 刚才听到什么?看到什么?



T: where to? C: go to park.

T: where to? C: go to hospital.

T: where to? C: go to zoo.

T: where to? C: go to post office.




交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to……招手上车,到站下车。{游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。}




一. 情况分析


二. 小结


英语教案:play the ball



2、通过运动游戏使幼儿初步掌握短语pass the ball和shoot the ball。





1、Good morning boys and girls. Good morning Candy.

2、What’s the weather like today?

3、What’s the temperature?

4、律动:Everybody clap your hands. (Ok, now, let’s warm up!)

二、Review the words:

1、Count the ball: Recently, we have a lot of balls in our classroom,let’s count it.

2、Show the magic bag:Look at here, what’s this? It’s a magic bag,there are many kinds of balls inside. Let’s find out!

3、Review the words: football、basketball、volleyball、tennis、rugby

三、Play the ball:

1、take out the ball:Everyone can take out one ball to play yourself.

2、Play the ball.

3、Discuss:Who can tell me how did you play?

四、Learn new words:

Game1、pass the ball on your head and pass the ball under your haunch.

Game2、shoot the ball into a basket ring.

五、律动:Reach the sky。

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