



“Nothing for nothing.不费力气,一无所得。”在平常日子里,我们每个人都会分享一些好词好句。其实很多朋友都不太清楚什么样的句子才是好的句子,下面幼儿教师教育网为您呈送了“2023英语作文万能句子”主题的相关句子,供你阅读参考,并请收藏本页面句子!

1、Nothing for nothing.不费力气,一无所得。

2、The future is scary but you can't just run to the past cause it's familiar.未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。

3、But for me, I would rather think of the matter in ...way.至于我,我宁愿以……的方式来看待这一问题。

4、It is another new and bitter truth we must learn to face .这是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。

5、is the best way to make sure that....确保...的最好办法是...

6、This view is now being questioned by more and more people.这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。

7、People used to ......however , things are quite different today .过去,人们习惯......但,今天的情况有很大的不同。

8、nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了

9、From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that…经过以上讨论,我们能够得出结论…

10、It can be concluded from the discussion that…从中我们能够得出这样的结论

11、From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

12、The situation is not rare. It is one of many examples I have encountered. 这种情景并不少见,它也是我遇到的许多情况之一。

13、Only in this way can we...仅有这样,我们才能……例句:Only in this way can we go further.仅有这样,我们才能走得更远。

14、This phenomenon has caused wide public concern in many places of world.这一现象在全世界许多地方已引起了广泛关注。

15、think I prefer...rather than...我觉得我更喜欢……而不是……

16、No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.没有人能否认这一基本事实:对于一般工人来讲,轻松掌握这些技术是不可能的。

17、In the second place, from psychological aspect, the majority of children seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward additional educational activities.第二,从心理上讲,大部分孩子似乎对额外的学习没有什么好感。

18、It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.很紧迫的是,应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展。

19、Therefore, in my opinion, its more advisable…所以,在我看来,更可取的是…

20、增进相互了解 enhance  promote mutual understanding

21、At an individual level, I feel that … 从我个人的角度出发,我觉得…

22、……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

23、当我听到北京申办2008年奥运会竞标成功时我非常激动。I was very excited when I heard that Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.

24、After a good many years of efforts to enthusiasm for..., people begin to...经过许多年的努力热衷于……多年之后,人们开始……

25、cannot entirely agree with the idea that … 我无法完全同意这一观点…

26、前几天,我和同学骑车进城。The other day my classmates and I went to town together by bike.

27、The datastatisticsfigures lead us to the conclusion that…经过数据我们得到的结论是,…

28、Before giving my opinion, I think it is essential to look at the argument of both sides.在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。

29、Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job will strongly support students to continue to their study life.因此,业余工作挣来的钱将强有力地支持学生们继续他们的求学生活。

30、Many parents believe that additional educational activities enjoy obvious advantage. By extra studies, they maintain, their children are able to obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowledge, which will put them in a beneficial position in the future job markets when they grow up.许多家长相信额外的教育活动有许多优点,通过学习,他们的孩子可以获得很多实践技能和有用的知识,当他们长大后,这些对他们就业是大有好处的。

31、It is monlygenerallywidely believed heldacceptedrecognized that…它通常是认为…

32、优先研究  发展… give (top) priority to sth

33、My answer is that …. I have several reasons, and they’re good ones. The first is the one that … 我的回答是…。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的理由。第一个是…

34、 There is another reason why I cast my preference for … 我倾向于…还有另外一个原因。

35、One of the basic rules of life is to be polite.做人的基本准则之一是讲礼貌。

36、We may quote a common example of…8.Just think of…

37、…的健康发展 the healthy development of …

38、提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

39、By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上得不到的经验。

40、But the problem is not so simple. Therefore...然而问题并非如此简单,所以……

41、有直接 间接关系 be directly  indirectly related to…

42、quite agree with the statement that… the reasons are chiefly as follows. 我十分赞同这一论述,即……,其主要原因如下:

43、The majority of students believe that a part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.大部分学生相信业余工作会使他们有更多机会发展人际交往能力,而这对他们未来找工作是非常有好处的。

44、随着社会的发展,……所以,迫切需要……如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。With the development of society, ______.So it“s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

45、The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that... 这种现象主要是源于……的现实

46、hope everything is all right.我希望(你)一切都好。

47、最终 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

48、对必不可少 be indispensable to

49、My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is … 我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是…

50、把时光和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…

51、主语+cannot emphasize the importance of....too much 再怎样强调..的重要性也不为过

52、While many people attach great importance to this issue, no real effective actions have been taken to solve it. Therefore, we should do our utmost in doing something to solve it.尽管很多人十分重视这个问题,然而一向以来并没有采取真正有效的解决措施,所以,我们应当尽最大努力来解决这一问题。

53、People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.人们相信拥有计算机技术可以获得更多工作或提升的机会。

54、Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.一般来说,这些优势能够列举如下。

55、It must be realized that…我们必须意识到……

56、关于……人们的.观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……Peoples opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______.To them,_____.

57、At the same time, along with the benefits of such machines, employees must study knowledge involved in such machines so that they are able to control them.同时,随着这些机器带给我们的好处,员工们也必须要学习与之相关的知识以便使用它们。


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“提出折中提议 set forth a promise proposal。”句子千变万化,语气、单个词的不同意思就差别很大,常常会有人不厌其烦地发送简短文案。下面是我们为你精心整理的“英语作文万能句子”,建议你收藏并分享给其他需要的朋友!...

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“As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,”编辑为大家呈上收集和整理的小学英语作文万能句子,现在的年轻人生活在一个互联网时代,好朋友之间会分享一些句子。短短数语浓缩了心情、观点、想法,希望本页面句子内容能帮助到您!...

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Nothing for nothing.不费力气,一无所得。你会想要分享什么句子给大家?文字带给我们的不仅仅是知识,更是感情的表达,考虑你的需要,幼儿教师教育网小编为你推荐了英语作文万能套用金句,希望本页面句子内容能帮助到您!...

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As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,短短的一句话可以表达无数的情感,很多人喜欢分享经典的句子。下面是小编帮大家整理的高级英语作文万能句子,供大家参考,希望能帮助到有需要的朋友!...

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