




1、It's mandatory for me to work on the first day of the year.


3、Despite having to work on New Year's Day, I'm still thankful for all the opportunities that come my way.

4、I had to work on New Year's Day to help my team meet the expectations of our clients.

5、I was hoping to spend New Year's Day with my loved ones, but I have to work.



8、I can't take a break as I have to work on New Year's Day.

9、It's a bit challenging to give up a day of rest, but I'm willing to work on New Year's Day for my future success.

10、Working on a day like New Year's Day makes me appreciate my days off even more.


12、We had to sacrifice our holiday to catch up with the workload.

13、I'm stuck working on New Year's Day while everyone else is celebrating.

14、Due to the urgent nature of the task, I had to work on New Year's Day.


16、Working on New Year's Day wasn't my first choice, but it was necessary to meet the project goals.

17、I feel like I'm missing out on all the holiday festivities by having to work on New Year's Day.


19、We had to work on New Year's Day to show our commitment to our project and our company.

20、I'm trying to make the best of the situation by working on New Year's Day with a positive attitude.


22、I wish I could take a break but I have to work on New Year's Day.

23、We had to work on New Year's Day to ensure that the project was completed to the highest standards.



26、The workload is so heavy that I have to work on New Year's Day.

27、I am obliged to work on the first day of the year.


29、I have been assigned to work on the first day of the year.

30、I had to work on New Year's Day to help my team meet its targets for the quarter.

31、It's not a happy start to the new year when you have to work on New Year's Day.


33、Even though I have to work, I'm still grateful for the blessings in my life this New Year's Day.

34、Although it was frustrating to work on New Year's Day, I was glad to contribute to the company's success.

35、I'm putting in the extra effort on New Year's Day to prove my dedication to my job.

36、It's a bit strange to be working on a day that feels so special like New Year's Day.

37、I will have to work extra hours to meet the project's deadline.

38、New Year's Day is usually reserved for relaxation, but some of us still have to work.


40、It's hard to feel festive when you have to work on a holiday like New Year's Day.

41、It's a bit disappointing to work during the holiday.

42、The workload was overwhelming, so I had to work on New Year's Day to make progress.

43、It's frustrating to work on the first day of the year but it's a necessity.

44、It's not fair that I have to work while everyone else gets to rest on New Year's Day.


46、I have to make sacrifices to succeed in the job.


48、I will try to make the best of the situation by working efficiently.



51、Today is New Year's Day, but I still have to work overtime.






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